
Mixed Metaphors

Mixed Metaphors "I've been up and down so many times that I feel as if I'm in a revolving door." For your next project (final project for seniors!) you will create an image to illustrate a Mixed Metaphor . Please read the article linked to below: When you have completed the article, select a mixed metaphor to use in your project. You can refer to the list linked to below, author or find one of your own: Once you have selected a mixed metaphor, create an image to illustrate it. The mixed metaphor itself should accompany your image.

Project 3, 4th Quarter "Fantasy Workspace"

Fantasy Workspace Here's mine With our current  Social Distancing  situation, we have all had to carve out a workspace from which to attend virtual school. Since my wife also works in Education and my son is in 8th grade, we are spread throughout the wife is conducting business in the den, my son is attending virtual school in the playroom and I am set up on the dining room table.  All very doable and we are thankful we can work from home and have access to a house laden with technology that allows us each to work on our own device.  That, unfortunately, is not the situation for everyone. All across the District, from students to parents to employees, people are struggling to find a place to work and the appropriate technology to work on. Even in our situation, things aren't ideal. So much demand on the Internet causes our wifi to glitch out regularly, my Creative Cloud subscription got corrupted so I can't use my desktop Mac with the large m

Project 2, 4th Quarter "Ovoids"

Non-Denominational, Spring Ovoids That Just Might Be Appropriate  For The Mid-April Holiday Of Your Choice We will continue this week with another Pixlr-based Project intended to enhance your familiarization with Pixlr and the Pixlr workspace. Your challenge will be to *(convincingly) apply an image/pattern/design to ovoid shapes.  For the purposes of demonstration eggs are employed, but you could use any ovoid shape--a football, or um, a rugby ball, or, OK, I'm stumped.  Make it easy on yourself and use an image of eggs.   You may use the image below: You can also find a different copy-right free image online or, if you are ambitious (or hungry) create your own image. In any event, you will need a picture of at least 3 eggs. The Project can be completed in Photoshop as well as Pixlr, but if you are going to use PS, you will want to read through the

Project 1, 4th Quarter "2D Landscapes"

2D Landscapes For your first project of the 4th Quarter, you will be creating a 2D Landscape using either Photoshop or Pixlr. The link below is to a tutorial for creating a landscape from scratch in Photoshop. The information contained in the tutorial can be applied to Pixlr as well, with a few adjustments. Using the gradient tool to fill your layered selections is an option that you should consider. Below is an example of a gradient-filled landscape. Also, don't forgot what you have learned about creating silhouettes--they are great for adding additional elements like trees (or in this case saguaro cactus) to your landscape.
                              Kids Safe Online Safety Poster Criteria Poster art should illustrate the safe use of the Internet or mobile devices in a positive manner. Create original artwork* that demonstrates one of the following concepts: interacting with others and not bullying or threatening others on the Internet not giving out personal information on the Internet only visiting safe websites being cautious with email being careful not to download malicious code from websites how online gaming can be dangerous protecting against identity theft safe use of social networking any original concept that illustrates safe use of the Internet or mobile devices Suggested Topics   Grades K-8   How should you treat others online?  What information is safe to put on social media and what should you keep private?  How should you handle unwanted attention or strangers online?  How can you select a strong password and keep it secure?  How c
90 Minute Breakfast Challenge Your challenge is to design a table-top poster acknowledging Popi's Place On The Ranch for providing breakfast to the attendees of the LRHS College Fair. The poster should be 11" x 17" and MUST contain the words: "Breakfast provided by Popi's on the Ranch" The winning designer (and a friend) will be invited to partake in the breakfast on the morning of the College Fair.