Project 3, 4th Quarter "Fantasy Workspace"

Fantasy Workspace


Here's mine

With our current Social Distancing situation, we have all had to carve out a workspace from which to attend virtual school.

Since my wife also works in Education and my son is in 8th grade, we are spread throughout the wife is conducting business in the den, my son is attending virtual school in the playroom and I am set up on the dining room table.  All very doable and we are thankful we can work from home and have access to a house laden with technology that allows us each to work on our own device. 

That, unfortunately, is not the situation for everyone. All across the District, from students to parents to employees, people are struggling to find a place to work and the appropriate technology to work on.

Even in our situation, things aren't ideal. So much demand on the Internet causes our wifi to glitch out regularly, my Creative Cloud subscription got corrupted so I can't use my desktop Mac with the large monitor that helps with my poor vision, conferencing can be a nightmare if 2 or more of us need to have a video conference at the same time, and like most of you, Schoology has presented some challenges at times.

So that got me thinking...what would be my ideal workspace? If I were told that I had to work from home for all of my remaining days, how and where would I like it set up?

And that is your challenge. Create a Fantasy Workspace that you would be happy, nay thrilled, to work from for the foreseeable future.  Don't forget to set yourself up with sufficient technology and remember to stretch your imaginations...your solution could be anywhere from a space capsule to under the sea. Challenge yourself with the concept as well as the creation of the image.

For those of you using Pixlr, refer to the tutorial included with  the last Project (Ovoids) for an example of how to composite photographs.


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