
Showing posts from 2019

Semester 1 Exam

Guitar Face  For your exam, you will be exploring the Guitar Face meme.  The classic take on this is the replacement of guitars with slugs, but that's been done and done and done... For your project, you are to find a high-res image of a musician absolutely SHREDDING it and replace the instrument with a...?...of your choice. Don't even think about doing a dog, though...that's been done too. ( Bass Dogs ) Oh.  And your design MUST take the form of a Holiday card.   Seriously.  You pick the Holiday.  Cheers! Size: 5" x 7" Resolution: 300 ppi
G.O.B. The image above was scanned from a postcard that went out in the mail advertising a Going Out Of Business sale.  Your challenge is to make some design sense of this monstrosity and recreate the mailer at the exact dimensions (6 "x 8.5"), containing ALL OF THE INFORMATION on the card, but with a cogent design that places appropriate emphasis on design principles and the hierarchy of information.
MySDMC SSO Quickguide
Global   Warming -- Fact or Fiction? Your challenge is to create a persuasive graphic that attempts to convince people of either the  reality  or the  myth  of Global Warming. You may choose either side of the "argument". Believers : There are an overwhelming majority of scientists who believe that there is a man-made component to climate change--that in fact, man's destructive footprint on the earth has extended into the atmosphere. A number of arguments supporting the idea can be found below.  Use them as a starting point or feel free to do your own research. Deniers : Those who believe otherwise would say that the climate has been changing forever and that the planet and atmosphere are resilient enough to brush off any man-made intrusions.  There are plenty of web sites that describe Global Warming as a "hoax", one is here:
Sharpen Your Mind (And in the process, your design skills)
Urban Legends (?) Not So Slender Man Your assignment is to select an Urban Legend, alter it in a way that makes conceptual sense and create an image to represent the new altered version.
The Uncomfortable For your next assignment, you are going to take a break from practical design and dabble in the absurd. You will be creating digital versions of impossible (or at least  really  undesirable) objects. Through the magic of Photoshop, you will create 3 objects by compositing images together, you will also name them and describe their use. Think about materials that would work at cross-purposes with each other.  Do not worry about your objects' lack of usability--in fact, that may be exactly why they exists. Think outside the box (in this case, perhaps a box made of mashed potatoes). Please refer to the link below for inspiration and points of departure:
Threadless Design Challenge #1 Requirements: (1) 8"x10" image suitable for a t-shirt or bag application that addresses the concept of FEAR. You will have 90 minutes to complete the challenge.
OPPOSITES For your next project, you will explore the concept of "opposites".   Your solution may be an image, a design, a typographic solution, or any other possibility you can imagine, as along as the concept of opposites is clearly articulated. Size: 11 x 17" Resolution: 300 ppi
Future History The history of the Internet is filled with updates and variations of our favorite sites.  For this challenge, you will go to the following web site: Once there, browse through the histories of the various sites, applications, games, etc. and select one to update as a future (2023)   version. Your final image should be a reinterpretation of the web site, operating system, application or a game and should consider emerging visual trends trends and technologies.
INTERVENTION   Your next exercise--just to get you back to polishing your PS chops is based on an article in ArchDaily about using graphics to change and improve the visual character of a building.  The article is linked to here:
A Conspiracy of Animal Names Have you ever heard the expression "a murder of crows" or "a seething of eels"?  How about an "exaltation of swallows" or a "shiver of sharks"? There are a number of interesting and descriptive names for various groups of animals and for your Final Exam you are going to illustrate one of them. Your challenge is to use the group name as a point of conceptual departure for your design. Please visit the link below to explore unusual animal group names. You will be responsible for completing 1 design that combines the name of an animal group with a concept illustrating that name. The group names must be part of the designs. Dimensions: 8" x 10" Resolution: 300ppi
Welcome 2019-2020 Digital Art II class Welcome to the Digital Media Lab. You are about to embark on a program that stresses creativity, individual effort, independence and engagement.   This class will be more like a college class in that you will be responsible for managing your own time, your own resources and for challenging yourself with your own ideas and solutions to visual problems. Not every high school student thrives in an environment like this, but eventually, you are all going to have to learn how to, so consider this your introduction to the next phase in your educational life. When I talk about independence--I don't mean that you are on your own.  I mean that it is up to you to ask the questions you need answered to produce the best work that you can.  It is up to you to fulfill the requirements of any given assignment and not to overlook important details such as the size and resolution of a project