
Showing posts from August, 2019
INTERVENTION   Your next exercise--just to get you back to polishing your PS chops is based on an article in ArchDaily about using graphics to change and improve the visual character of a building.  The article is linked to here:
A Conspiracy of Animal Names Have you ever heard the expression "a murder of crows" or "a seething of eels"?  How about an "exaltation of swallows" or a "shiver of sharks"? There are a number of interesting and descriptive names for various groups of animals and for your Final Exam you are going to illustrate one of them. Your challenge is to use the group name as a point of conceptual departure for your design. Please visit the link below to explore unusual animal group names. You will be responsible for completing 1 design that combines the name of an animal group with a concept illustrating that name. The group names must be part of the designs. Dimensions: 8" x 10" Resolution: 300ppi
Welcome 2019-2020 Digital Art II class Welcome to the Digital Media Lab. You are about to embark on a program that stresses creativity, individual effort, independence and engagement.   This class will be more like a college class in that you will be responsible for managing your own time, your own resources and for challenging yourself with your own ideas and solutions to visual problems. Not every high school student thrives in an environment like this, but eventually, you are all going to have to learn how to, so consider this your introduction to the next phase in your educational life. When I talk about independence--I don't mean that you are on your own.  I mean that it is up to you to ask the questions you need answered to produce the best work that you can.  It is up to you to fulfill the requirements of any given assignment and not to overlook important details such as the size and resolution of a project